Essential Resources

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Share the Gospel

Learn to share the Gospel effectively with others through this resource based on Evangelism Explosion.

Priorities of a College Student

Do you ever have trouble determining what you should say “yes” to and what you should say “no” to? This Life Tool will help you to learn biblical priorities and gain a greater understanding about what should come first in your life.

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How to Pray

There is no better way to grow in your relationship with Jesus than to spend time with Him in prayer. This Life Tool will help you learn to seek God through prayer.

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How to Study the Bible

One great way to grow in your relationship with the Lord is to get to know Him through the study of His Word, the Bible. Learn how to study the Bible with this Life Tool.

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6-8-10 Principle

Sometimes it’s hard to decide what is a good decision and what might be a sinful one. This Life Tool uses passages from 1 Corinthians 6, 8 and 10 to help you determine if you are making godly choices.

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What is Sin?

Look at Bible passages that will help you to understand what is and what is not sin.

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Overcoming Temptation

We all face sin struggles. Learn how to overcome these struggles with this useful Life Tool.

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